• viernes, marzo 18, 2011

    Book Review: How to tell your SMP from your PR in the Debate on Electoral Reform

    A book review for London School of Economics blog of British Politics and Policy: In the midst of the debate on electoral reform in the UK, David Farrell’s book provides a helpful framework for understanding why some political actors are for status quo while others lean towards change. Electoral Systems: A Comparative Introduction will help those who are undecided or neutral to the reform of the electoral system to take sides, as well as encouraging those who have already taken sides to reconsider or fortify their argument. In this second edition (first published in 2001), Farrell puts together a remarkably concise yet comprehensive map of the structure and the dynamics of electoral rules. Although the book gravitates around Britain and the west European countries, the narrative grounded in characteristics common to all electoral systems allows the reader to extrapolate inferences to other democracies.


    THE REST HERE: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/politicsandpolicy/2011/02/13/book-review-electoral-systems-a-comparative-introduction/


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